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September 11, 2009 1:30 PM

So, summer is unofficially over, but that doesn't mean the fun has to end. Here's a few lines for this week sure to catch your targets off guard.

Hey, Laura! (Big hug). I haven't seen you forEVER!! (huge kiss) Wow, you've really changed! (I'm not Laura) What? Oh my God, you even changed your name!

Excuse me miss... Do you have a cigarette? Actually, I don't want one, I just wanted to start a conversation with you.

Of course, sometimes it doesn't work out. Sometimes they're already taken. If you're not prepared to give up still, you can always try this one out...
Target: I have a (boyfriend/girlfriend)
You: I have a goldfish
Target: (confusion likely caused by this response) What?
You: Oh. I thought we were talking about things that didnt matter.

Well, good luck playas, and have a great weekend!

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