First, let me apologize. I found this story a month or two ago and forgot to post it. So, alcohol may not be so great for short term memory, but according to a study from the Dementia Research Center at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Wauwatosa. The study shows that those who drank 8-14 drinks a week were 37% less likely to develop dementia. This reduction in risk is about equal to the reduction in risk experienced by exercising 3 times a week. So, I guess if you're not gonna exercise, drink up! Or better still, grab some beer and some buddies and start up a game of football, and you'll be 74% less likely.* It's interesting to note that the study states that it did not matter what type of alcohol was consumed - it's not telling you you have to drink red wine to get the benefit. From what I'm getting from this report, wine, beer, shots of Jack, whatever your poison of choice, it's gonna help you. Of course, they do go on to tell you the risks, but I stopped reading at that point. You can find the full story here. * Brian Davey, Author of BarLOLz and CEO of is not a doctor, and barely passed Chemestry 101 in college, though this is most likely due to it being taught at 8am, not a lack of capacity to understand the subject matter. As such, any speculations made above are his own, and should be treated as such.