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January 28, 2010 6:00 AM

So, it's been ages since BarLOLz contained commentary. We've been a little busy to stray beyond the weekly smattering of amusing pics, videos and jokes. Something caught my eye today, however, that required more than a “FAIL” pic or a link. (though a link to the source is here).

Burger King is selling beer. I’ll repeat that, since some of you probably missed that. Burger King is selling beer. Ok, not all of them – for now, it’s limited to a test market of South Beach, but if it works, you can bet it will expand. Apparently, the provider of marginal meat will now be serving it with marginal beer – Bud and Coors are currently all that’s slated to appear on the menu. The cost is set to be $7.99 for a whopper value meal with a Bud. If that’s for one of their 32oz "mediums" maybe I’ll have to check it out.

Otherwise, this isn’t really that much of a novelty, other than the fact that it’s Burger King selling a beer. Seeing that freaky plastic king dude drunk might be fun, but in reality, what keeps kicking around in my head is this joke about a German tourist who walks into a McDonalds in New York and orders a Big Mac with a beer. The guy behind him smacks him on the back and says, “You freakin’ moron! You can’t order a beer at McDonalds!” For a moment, he feels stupid. Then he starts laughing. The guy asks what’s so funny, and he replies, “So that means YOU’RE here for the FOOD?”

Me, if I want a beer and a burger, I’m gonna hit a Red Robin or a Fudruckers. Much better beer choices, MUCH better burgers, and the latter is a LOT more fun to try to say after you’ve had a few beers!

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# bennyg
Thursday, January 28, 2010 8:56 AM
Can I get mine supersized?

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