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April 03, 2009 6:00 AM

Some ingenious sub-genius created the ultimate cop magnet… A motorized bar stool, 'cuz nothing says sober driver like a guy cruising around town on a bar stool. So, it should come as no surprise that this guy was subsequently arrested earlier this week for DUI.

Interesting facts: The bar stool is powered by an old lawnmower engine and is steered by a riding lawnmower steering wheel. It has a top speed of 38 mph! Its driver has an apparent capacity of at least 15 beers.  The call to the police was made by him after he crashed.

Now, my understanding was that the main intentions of DUI laws are to protect others. While he most likely would only hurt himself in a crash with another car, if that thing hit a pedestrian at full speed, it could do some serious harm. He’s clearly guilty of something, but is it a classic case of DUI? No. Classic stupidity? Absolutely.

Should he be charged as DUI? I’m thinking no, but he certainly should be charged with something. If nothing else, for violating the laws of evolution.

Wanna read the full police report? It’s right here

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# ih8u
Thursday, May 14, 2009 7:17 AM
Is this a win? Is it a fail? Is it an epic fail? I can't decide. A motorized bar stool? That's kind of awesome.
fepic ale
# fepic ale
Thursday, May 14, 2009 12:20 PM
This is fail. It is not debatable. It should have ended with a Darwin Award, not a DUI. It may still at some point.

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