Welcome BarLOLz'ers, welcome to another installment of the Friday Night Pickup Lines. By now, you're probabally either seeing a ton of action, or frequently seeing stars. Remember, LetzGoOut.com and BarLOLz assumes no responsibility for what may happen to you when you use these. This week, we'll go with a few that are sure to break the ice in a good way. Class is now in session. What woman doesn't love puppies? I can't find my puppy, can you help me find him? I think he went into this cheap motel room. Then there's revenge of the nerds... Baby you are so fine you turn my software into hardware. And my personal favorite this week... My boys over there bet that I wouldn't be able to start a conversation with the most beautiful girl in the room. Want to buy some drinks with their money? If that one doesn't work, either she's a bitch or you're doing it wrong. Best of luck, have fun, and be safe this weekend!