A guy walks into a bar and orders a drink. After a few more he needs to go to the can. He doesn't want anyone to steal his drink so he puts a sign on it saying...
There is a rumor brewing that Macauly Culkin, life long friend of Michael Jackson, may have donated sperm with an unknown surrogate mother to concieve Prince Michael II, aka Blanket. And as odd as it may sound, it's spreading fast, and an anonymous source has stated that "This isn't...
And here we go again... Summer's almost over. Seems like it just began. Well, it's Friday night, and I know you're here to figure out how you're gonna score tonight. Well, we've got a few winners this week. The first is likely to confuse. Strike in this moment of weakness. Number two is a surefire win for the gold diggers. And number three, well, it's not for beginners. Executed properly, it's an almost guaranteed win. Executed properly... Ok, well, enough talk... here we go...
22 times. Twenty two frekkin times. That is how many times today's subject of discussion has been arrested for DUI, his latest happening in New Mexico this past Monday. He is 51 years old. Let's say for argument's sake that he got his first DUI at age 21. I have no idea if that's the case or not. It could have been earlier, it could have been later. But if that was the case, this works out to a DUI every year and four months. His BAC level was .393 - nearly 5 times the legal...
A duck walks into a bar and asks "got any crackers?" The bar tender says no. The duck walks out...
Oh, dear God, no. That was all that I could think when I first stumbled upon this photo in my random quests for content for this site. I do understand the idea behind non-alcoholic wine, AKA grape juice, and its importance in our world. I can even understand the idea behind having non-alcoholic beer and the place that it fills, though I would never drink the stuff, not because it contains no alcohol, but more because it contains no flavor...
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